An important meeting with the Pope…

Dear friends,

We hope this message finds you well. We want to share some incredible news with you, which underscores the impact of your continued support for our mission to end clergy sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

Recently, a brave survivor from Milwaukee presented a copy of Ending Clergy Abuse's proposed zero tolerance law to Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg, who serves as the leader of the Pope's Synod on Synodality. Cardinal Hollerich made a promise that resonated deeply with our cause—he committed to delivering this crucial document directly to Pope Francis himself in a meeting that took place one week ago on Monday, September 18th. He expressed his intention to discuss the matter with the Pope and ensure that he fully comprehends the importance of our cause.

View our letter to Cardinal Hollerich here

Pope Francis meets with officials of the upcoming assembly of the Synod of Bishops, including Cardinal Hollerich (second from left) on Monday September 18th. Earlier this month, Cardinal Hollerich promised a Milwaukee survivor that he would give Pope Francis a copy of our proposed zero tolerance legislation at this meeting. 

Despite several recent canon law revisions, a cleric, Church employee, or volunteer who is known to Church officials to have sexually abused a child or vulnerable adult can remain in ministry. ECA’s proposed zero tolerance legislation, drafted by two prominents priest canon lawyers from Wisconsin, Father James Connell and Thomas P. Doyle, would end this.

As you read this email, we are on the ground in Rome, advocating tirelessly for the passage of this groundbreaking law. We have come this far thanks to the unwavering dedication of survivors, activists, and individuals like you who have joined us in our pursuit of justice, transparency, and accountability within the Catholic Church.

Your support has been instrumental in bringing us to this moment, and we are grateful for your commitment to this vital cause. As we continue our advocacy work in Rome, we are reaching out to request your assistance once more. Our efforts require financial support for travel expenses, materials for press conferences, and, most importantly, support for the survivors who are here in Rome, bravely lending their voices to our cause.

Here's how you can help:

  • Donate: Your financial contribution will directly support our efforts on the ground in Rome. Every dollar brings us one step closer to achieving our mission. Please visit our website to make a secure donation.

  • Spread the Word: Share our campaign with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who are aware of our cause, the stronger our collective voice becomes.

  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates, images, and reflections from our journey in Rome. Your involvement and engagement help raise awareness.

  • Advocate: Join us in our cause by signing our global petition in support of zero tolerance. Urge your friends and family to do the same. 

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to ending clergy sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. We are grateful for your commitment to this critical cause, and together, we can bring about meaningful change.

With deep appreciation, 


The Nate’s Mission Team


McCarrick case suspended in Wisconsin


Urgent: Nate's Mission is headed to Rome