Group delivers evidence of abuse-related church documents to AG Kaul

Posted: January 18, 2022 8:11 PM, by Site staff

MADISON, Wis. — Members of a Wisconsin-based project designed to end clergy abuse on Tuesday delivered what it said were thousands of pages of secret abuse-related church documents to Attorney General Josh Kaul.

The documents, the group said, were obtained from church whistleblowers from across Wisconsin and range from personnel files to meeting minutes in which church leaders discuss ways to avoid prosecution and move credibly accused clergy members to new parishes.

“We know that time is of the essence,” Sarah Pearson, the deputy director of Nate’s Mission, said. “That’s why we need to get these to him. It’s been… almost a year since he opened his investigation, and it’s important that he uses all the time he has in this term to be able to look through this.”

The group said the documents contain material concerning all five Wisconsin dioceses and several state religious orders.


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