Milwaukee Archdiocese abusive clergy list: one of the “least comprehensive” in the country
The Journal Sentinel and Sun-Times identified 140 additional names of known offenders who worked in the archdiocese.
McCarrick case suspended in Wisconsin
The case against Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been suspended in Wisconsin. The sexual assault charge against McCarrick was the first against a Catholic clergy member in AG Kaul's statewide investigation.
An important meeting with the Pope…
A brave survivor from Milwaukee presented a copy of our proposed zero tolerance law to Cardinal Hollerich of Luxembourg, the leader of the Pope's synod on Synodality. Hollerich made a promise to deliver this crucial document directly to Pope Francis himself in a meeting that took place one week ago on Monday, September 18th.
Urgent: Nate's Mission is headed to Rome
Nate’s Mission is taking the lead in a crucial global media and messaging campaign in Rome and Geneva coinciding with Pope Francis's worldwide Synod on the future of the Church.
Major victory achieved for survivors
After over two years of relentless advocacy, we successfully challenged the Wisconsin Attorney General to take a bold step. Last month, the Wisconsin DOJ filed a motion in Federal Bankruptcy Court to unseal hundreds of pages of secret abuse reports concealed within the Milwaukee Archdiocese Bankruptcy.
Cardinal McCarrick charged with sexual assault in Wisconsin
Nate’s Mission is in solidarity with this clergy abuse survivor and all those who have been harmed by McCarrick and other abusive clergy members.
Our documentary is available on YouTube!
Once you've viewed the film, please don't keep it to yourself. Share the link with family, friends, and your social media audience to spread the word about the work survivors and advocates around the world are doing to combat sexual violence in the Catholic Church.
Reserve your free tickets for our documentary premiere
The film screening will be followed by a panel discussion regarding the current state of clergy abuse in Wisconsin and Attorney General Kaul’s ongoing statewide investigation into clergy and faith leader abuse
No more secrets, no more lies
Deaf survivors are suffering again because the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has chosen to publicly honor Pope Benedict
Why I stood outside Archbishop Weakland’s funeral
I kept my abuse a secret for decades. So did Weakland.
Abandoned, let down, betrayed.
Kaul finally admitted the truth: the Wisconsin DOJ is not investigating clergy sexual abuse and cover-up
Breaking: New recordings of Wisconsin DOJ calls with Nate’s Mission
Breaking: New recordings of Wisconsin DOJ meetings with Nate’s Mission
I drove across the country to join Nate’s Mission
Survivors like me - even those who are not ready to speak publicly about what they’ve endured - need an organization like Nate’s Mission on their side.
An announcement we didn’t want to make…
With just over six months left in his term, survivors and advocates feel a great sense of urgency around the course of the investigation and Attorney General Kaul’s willingness to keep the promises he made to survivors last April. Time is running out, and we must reverse the course of his investigation - before it is too late.
Nate’s Mission at the USCCB
During the U.S. bishops' fall general assembly, clergy abuse survivors called on the prelates meeting in Baltimore to focus less on who can take Communion and instead do more to end clergy abuse
In Nate’s memory, we are launching his mission
Nate’s Mission is paving the way for a transition to an abuse-free church