Organizers urge AG to investigate abuse of Menominee children attending Catholic schools

By Joshua Peguero

Published: Nov. 2, 2021 at 11:25 PM EDT

KESHENA, Wis. (WBAY) - Dozens gathered under a pavilion in Keshena for a candlelight vigil to bring awareness to the children who were abused by the Catholic Church at Indigenous residential and boarding schools.

“I am a survivor of physical abuse at the hands of the church, during that period they treated us in a manner that is not consistent with who we are as a people,” said Dewey Schanandore who claimed to have attended St. Anthony’s grade school during the 1950s.

This is an issue Action 2 News has previously covered. The Catholic Diocese of Green Bay ran two schools on the Menominee Indian Reservation.

Participants of Tuesday evening’s event walked to St. Michael’s Church where behind it there are several unmarked graves of Menominee children.

“People buried in the gravesites, there doesn’t seem to be any documentation about how these people died,” said Schanandore.

The groups End Clergy Abuse and Nate’s Mission took part in Tuesday’s events.

“It’s been this invisible trauma, and the people who really know about it, and are responsible about it, and have the archives and the records about it are the Catholic Church, the Diocese of Green Bay for instance,” said Peter Isely, a founding member of End Clergy Abuse.

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul is already investigating abuse within the state’s catholic dioceses. Yet, those at Tuesday’s walk organizers were urging Kaul to expand that investigation to include the schools Indigenous children were forced to attend.

In a statement to Action 2 News, Attorney General Kaul said the history of Indian boarding schools is shameful and disturbing.

Action 2 News also reached out to the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay who in a statement, says “the diocese is committed and open to ongoing discussions with the Menominee community.”

Last month, Governor Tony Evers apologized for the state’s role in Indigenous boarding schools saying, “For more than a century between the 1860s and 1970s, the U.S. federal government induced and coerced thousands of Native American children from their families and homes, placing them into boarding schools funded by the U.S. government operated by the government and religious organizations.”

Below is a copy of Kaul and the diocese’s full statements:

“The history of Indian boarding schools is shameful and disturbing. I am glad that U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland has initiated a comprehensive national review and that Governor Evers issued Executive Order #136 apologizing for the history of Indian boarding schools in Wisconsin. I have spoken with the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council and the co-chairs of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Task Force about the Clergy and Faith Leader Abuse initiative, and I encourage survivors and anyone else with knowledge of abuse at boarding schools, or any other institutional abuse, to report using the online reporting tool at or by calling 1-877-222-2620.”

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul

“We have not had recent contact with Nate’s Mission and are not aware of a vigil in Keshena. The request from a member of the Menominee Tribe for a meeting with Bishop Ricken was promptly honored. The Diocese of Green Bay is committed and open to ongoing discussions with the Menominee community.”

The Diocese of Green Bay


'They never broke my spirit': Survivors of Indian schools on Menominee Reservation demand Catholic church to acknowledge abuse


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