In the News
Ex-Cardinal McCarrick Wisconsin sex abuse charges, victim feels 'relief'
“In Wisconsin, if you leave the state, your statute of limitations freezes,” said Peter Isely of Nate’s Mission. “Anytime an offender, anyone who hurts, harms. or assaults a child, should no that they’re not going to get away with it, no matter how old they get.”
Victim advocate calls for former cardinal to be federally charged following sexual assault allegations
"It's the system that McCarrick was part of and represented. That's what needs to be changed and reformed," said Peter Isely, Nate's Mission founder.
Documentary dives into systemic clergy abuse in southeast Wisconsin
"it's not an accident or a case of a few bad apples but there's something about the way the church operates about the culture within the church and the way they train their seminarians literally reproduces sexual violence towards children intergenerationally," said Pearson.
Ask an Atheist: Manufacturing the Clerical Predator
On this episode of FFRF's "Ask an Atheist," FFRF Associate Counsel Sam Grover speaks with Peter Isely and Sarah Pearson, two members of a group dedicated to exposing Catholic priest abuse of children.
AG Kaul stands behind his clergy abuse initiative one survivor calls ineffective and harmful to victims
“Having the Catholic Church say we’re not participating in the investigation, and then having the DOJ do nothing about that. I don’t know what other institution gets that privilege…” questions Noth.
Archdiocese of Milwaukee honors Pope Benedict, anti-clergy abuse organization protests memorial Mass
"Deaf survivors are suffering again because the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has chosen to publicly honor Pope Benedict. Pope Benedict is directly responsible for covering up the crimes committed against myself and others at St. John's School for the Deaf," Arthur Budzynski said.
Superior Diocese releases names of clergy with credible claims of child sex abuse
Nate’s Mission, an advocacy group seeking to end clergy abuse, questioned the legitimacy of the list released by the Superior Diocese. Peter Isley, the nonprofit’s program director, said such a list is only as truthful as the people compiling it.
Public funeral for former Archbishop of Milwaukee sparks controversy
“No one should be going to this funeral,” said Peter Isley, who was abused by a priest when he was a child, and now leads the survivor advocacy group, Nate’s Mission. “By going to the funeral, priests and bishops are showing the community, they’re above all of it."
'We have to hold people to justice': Clergy abuse victim opens up; AG Kaul shares what the state is doing
AG Kaul said so far they've had over 200 reports of clergy or faith leader abuse and have criminally charged two faith leaders. The initiative also guides survivors to victim services and an anonymous tip line. Some survivors, like Isely, said it's not enough.
Weakland funeral; former Milwaukee archbishop with complicated legacy
Isely said those accomplishments fail in comparison to what he's found in recent years – proof that Weakland not only knew priests were sexually assaulting children in Wisconsin but that he also covered it up.
Funeral Mass for former Milwaukee archbishop draws supporters, protesters
"It doesn't matter how many languages you speak, whether you went to Julliard, whatever accolades you might have, when you facilitate the sexual assault of hundreds, potentially thousands of children, I think that speaks for itself," said John Pilmaier, a clergy abuse victim survivor.
At funeral Mass for former Archbishop Weakland, some pray for forgiveness while others slam legacy of abuse coverup
“It really shows their character,” Egan said. “It shows their lack of commitment, really, to keeping children safe, and that they are looking the other way. They’re not being of service, they’re not being neighbors.”
Clergy sex abuse survivors question Cathedral funeral for Weakland
"So I want to say that this man being buried Tuesday is unrepentant. He died unrepentant for the harm that he caused. And no mercy. He had no mercy on us whatsoever," Isely said.
Anti-clergy abuse advocates slam public funeral at cathedral for former Archbishop Weakland
"They are going to try, with this, to erase history, to eliminate our history as victims as if we never existed, as if this never happened. That is unacceptable," said Peter Isely of the anti-clergy abuse group Nate's Mission.
'Deserves no honor or praise': Survivors, advocates for clergy abuse survivors protest funeral of former Milwaukee archbishop
Survivors, advocates and a former priest were among those protesting the funeral of former Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert Weakland and encouraging members of the clergy to not attend the service.
Former Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert Weakland dies at 95, leaves complex legacy
Isley…argued that for all the talk about Weakland's liberal values, he shared a "common commitment" with conservative church leaders who wanted to brush aside abuse victims and protect the church. "In that regard, Weakland was one of the most vigorous, zealous architects of this horrific coverup," Isley said.
Rembert Weakland's passing highlights complicated legacy
"It's bad," said Isely. "It's obscene. He was complex. He was sophisticated and all that kind of stuff, but one thing that was not complex about him at all was his fierce devotion to priests that assaulted children.”
Rembert Weakland, former Milwaukee archbishop, died overnight
Peter Isely, program director of Nate's Mission, issued the following statement: Thousands of children were harmed under his watch, and he bears the responsibility.
Update public on clergy investigation - James Connell
What has happened in the course or the review? Has the initiative been fruitful? Throughout the following months, not much has been said by the attorney general. Yet the citizens of Wisconsin have a right to know -- after all, they are paying for the effort.
Abuse advocates: Wisconsin AG 'walking back' promises on diocesan abuse probe
A Wisconsin advocacy group for victims of clerical sexual abuse says the state’s attorney general has broken his word, downplaying a promised investigation into the state’s five dioceses as a “review” of abuse allegations.