Reserve your free tickets for our documentary premiere

Dear Friends, 

On Sunday, March 19th at 3:00pm, Nate’s Mission is sponsoring a free screening of our new Wisconsin-based documentary on clergy sexual abuse at the Oriental Theatre in Milwaukee (2230 N Farwell Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202). Manufacturing the Clerical Predator goes beyond the usual clichéd and tediously repeated popular explanations offered for the abuse crisis by exploring the personal and theoretical accounts of three Wisconsin former seminarians and priests detailing the transmission of the culture of clerical abuse and secrecy across three generations. This fresh, unique, and urgently needed approach to clergy sexual abuse aims to help formulate more effective interventions to prevent it.

Three generations of Wisconsin priests and seminarians; L to R: Kevin Wester, James Egan, Thomas Doyle

The film screening will be followed by a panel discussion regarding the current state of clergy abuse in Wisconsin and Attorney General Kaul’s ongoing statewide investigation into clergy and faith leader abuse. Nate’s Mission has sent formal invitations to Attorney General Kaul, Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, and Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki to participate in the discussion, answer questions from survivors, and respond to public concern over their approach to the investigation and prevention of clergy sexual abuse. You can read the invitations here.

Reservations are required to attend, and free tickets are available on our website. Space is limited, so please act quickly to save your seat!

If you can't make it to the screening, stay tuned for more information regarding the film's eventual release. Please forward this email to your family and friends and invite them to attend.

Finally, Nate's Mission is a volunteer-led organization. This film and its Milwaukee premiere were generously funded by clergy abuse survivors and friends and family members supporting them. Every tax-deductible gift to Nate's Mission makes a difference as we seek full recognition of victims, accountability for those who have caused harm, and healing for survivors.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, March 19th!


The Nate’s Mission Team


Our documentary is available on YouTube!


No more secrets, no more lies